Why Content is Queen

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Get to know Rebecca Haddad:

Well, as above, I wear many hats and I love it that way! I've been running my business for more than a decade but took the leap into full-time freelancing in 2018 after my eldest daughter Zoe was born. I haven't looked back, and I'm finally looking to launch my own digital marketing and content creation courses this year. I also love to travel and lived in Dubai, Sydney and now Perth. Fun fact is that I can read and write Arabic, but I can't speak it hahaha!

Connect with Rebecca on the following channels:

Website: http://www.rebeccahaddad.com/

Instagram: instagram.com/bechaddadcontent

Twitter: twitter.com/bechaddad

Want to work with me? Get all the details here: https://lovellycommunications.com/work-with-me/

Connect with Emma Lovell and Lovelly Communications:

Join our Facebook Community: Live & Love Your Brand

Website: www.lovellycommunications.com//

Instagram: @Lovellycomms

LinkedIn: Emma Lovell

Facebook: LovellyCommunications

Twitter @Lovellyinc

Ready to work on your personal brand? Then the How to Live & Love Your Brand online course might be for you! Get all the info: https://lovellycommunications.mykajabi.com/howtollyb

Want to work with me? Here's all the ways you can! https://lovellycommunications.com/work-with-me/

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