Better Business with Justine McLean

Show notes

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Get to know Justine McLean:

Founder of Flossi Creative PL, Justine McLean, is a business money mentor on a mission to help women in business improve their financial literacy. A registered BAS agent, host of the Secrets of Successful Business podcast, and Ladies Finance Club Ambassador, Justine was named one of the Coach Foundation’s Top Female Business Coaches for 2022.

Justine understands the business numbers and empowers female entrepreneurs and business owners to take the actions necessary to create profitable and sustainable businesses that fit into their unique definition of success. With close to 30 years of experience in small business, e-commerce, publishing and insolvency, Justine is sought-after for her practical, tailored and proactive approach to business.

Connect with Justine on the following channels:

Website: Instagram: Facebook:

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