3 words to share who you are

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Want more info about the How to Live & Love Your Brand Course? Get all the details here: https://lovellycommunications.com/work-with-me/

In this lesson:

One of my favourite exercises and these words will prove very helpful throughout the rest of the course. Don’t overthink it, just take action. You’ll be surprised, and most likely delighted, by the results.

Remember to write back and share your results with me! Can't wait to hear

Three words worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WaS5RWvHp-4_ZG0IvJLu4_verxb-DyJx/view?usp=sharing

Create your own word cloud: https://www.wordclouds.com/

Connect with Emma Lovell and Lovelly Communications:

Join our Facebook Community: Live & Love Your Brand

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Join the email tribe here: https://lovellycommunications.com/sign-up-for-your-free-guide-to-personal-branding/

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